
Results 119 comments of Takase

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20792268/112421136-6d7b4180-8d26-11eb-8a33-c95529c8dfa3.png) Its **possible.** I modified `tabbed` to accept a window ID so you can use xwinwrap to wrap it. While I have a patch that is already working (but accidentally...

hold on, I'll try to replicate my solution and check if it works.

Here's a diff of my work; just tested working on my computer. ```diff diff --git a/tabbed.c b/tabbed.c index f974e1a..5304046 100644 --- a/tabbed.c +++ b/tabbed.c @@ -169,6 +169,8 @@ static char...

``` { "src": [ "./src/*.js", "./README.md" ], "dest": "./docs", "clean": true, "jsdoc": { "plugins": ["plugins/markdown"] }, "app": { "title": "Haruna Documentation", "entrance": "content:readme", "base": "/Haruna", "routing": { "method": "path" }...

The problem with HTML tag still persists. Not only that, If I disable jsdoc markdown plugin markdown in jsdoc is now ignored! Any ideas on how to fix it?

[Haruna.zip](https://github.com/onury/docma/files/2983767/Haruna.zip) This should be it. Thank you!

I got it! I turned `markdown.sanitize` to `false` in docma config and it worked!

You might not be familiar with how npm works at all. If you install docma as devDependencies, you can only run it via `npm run-command` or `npx`. to run docma...

You can't drag and drop into the TreeView. You can change the project folder with `Core: Change Project Folder` or `ctrl+shift+c`.