
Results 71 issues of Takase

``` java.lang.NullPointerException at SoundData.java:100 java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.media.Ringtone.setAudioAttributes(android.media.AudioAttributes)' on a null object reference at me.jfenn.alarmio.data.SoundData.preview(SoundData.java:100) at me.jfenn.alarmio.adapters.SoundsAdapter.lambda$onBindViewHolder$1$SoundsAdapter(SoundsAdapter.java:67) at me.jfenn.alarmio.adapters.-$$Lambda$SoundsAdapter$jWF8atWizW-S1VOCSjD2EZ2kY5g.onClick(Unknown Source:4) at android.view.View.performClick(View.java:7161) at android.view.View.performClickInternal(View.java:7138) at...


Just a suggestion. I love this app because apparently the one that comes with my phone doesn't work all the time. Thanks for your work! I would definitely be happy...


Cool project, but: ``` Path "stream" cannot be resolved ``` I installed `@types/node` but it doesn't seem to detect it? I am confused.


I am wondering if lite can be dynamically linked to lua instead of static linking. The main reason I am asking is for writing native plugins that might integrate better...

This will be really useful for large projects that has the dependencies in the same folder, like Node.js' `node_modules` folder. Instead, they can be indexed only when necessary (when clicked...

[Lua's `io.popen` opens a "Console window" when used.](https://github.com/drmargarido/linters/issues/14) This PR addresses that issue by using Windows' `CreateProcess` with `CREATE_NO_WINDOW` to prevent that from happening. For compatibility, a simple wrapper over...

pluginmanager is as its name says, a plugin manager. Currently, it allows users to install plugins directly from this repo. It also allows managing existing plugins within the application.

The makefile defaults to MSVC tools when Windows is detected, maybe there is a way to make it detect if its running in MSYS2 and switch to GCC automatically?

I am running fnm on Alpine, meaning no glibc thus official node.js build can't be used. I set the appropriate mirror env variable to the unofficial one, but it still...

good first issue