Timothy Johnson

Results 89 issues of Timothy Johnson

Similar to the behavior of "Show Only Packages with Updates", but all packages would still be shown and the list would be sorted so that outdated packages show at the...


### Discussed in https://github.com/t1m0thyj/WinDynamicDesktop/discussions/429 Originally posted by **ilverogattuso** April 11, 2022 I am quite fond of this app, which is why I decided to give it a try and make...

* [ ] Replace Windows 10 with 11 in descriptions everywhere * [ ] Update screenshots on Microsoft Store page * [x] Update list of known limitations in readme *...

Fixes an error preventing compilation of COM interface assembly, when `VirtualDesktop.Configure` is invoked in a .NET 6 single file application compiled with `PublishSingleFile=true`. I don't like the usage of `AllowUnsafeBlocks`...

### Current Behavior: In NPM v7 the preinstall script runs after dependencies are installed, which breaks backwards compatibility with NPM v6. This may have been on purpose, but I do...

Release 7.x
Priority 1

### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### This issue exists in the latest npm version - [X] I am using...

Release 8.x
Needs Triage

## Environment details - OS version: Windows 10 2004 - Node.js version: 14.15.0 - node-pty version: 0.9.0 ## Issue description Using the simple example script below, I am unable to...

help wanted

First, thank you for making this extension! It makes reviewing PRs a much better experience 🙂 In [this PR](https://github.com/zowe/zowe-cli-mq-plugin/pull/31/files) an empty file `.eslintrc` was removed. In the file tree, the...

Currently there is a lot of overlap between the contents of the readme at the root of the repo ([/README.md](https://github.com/zowe/zowe-cli/blob/master/README.md)), and the readme for the Zowe CLI package ([/packages/cli/README.md](https://github.com/zowe/zowe-cli/blob/master/packages/cli/README.md)). They...


The following example command: ``` - Create a data set with type LIBRARY: $ zowe zos-files create data-set NEW.DATASET --data-set-type LIBRARY ``` fails with the following error: ``` Command Error:...
