
Results 33 comments of szelenka

I'm struggling with getting this to work with FastAPI. I've tried this code: ```python fast_app = FastAPI( openapi_url='/api/notifications/openapi.json', docs_url='/api/notifications/docs', redoc_url='/api/notifications/redoc' ) sio = socketio.AsyncServer( async_mode='asgi', cors_allowed_origins='*' ) app = socketio.ASGIApp(...

Turns out my problem was with Starlette. Starlette version 0.11.1 needed the above hack, while version 0.12.0 doesn't have the problem and works without the above hack.

@ese is there a target for merging this change?

Do you have AUTH configured? I ran into a similar issue in #417

@seekelvis we had to patch the operator to change the probes. It was something along the lines of this: ```bash "redis-cli -h \"${HOSTNAME:-}\" -a \"${REDIS_PASSWORD}\" -p 26379 ping", ``` So...

I'm running into a similar situation, where it seems there's some custom config applied to the pgbouncer image that expects these lines in the `pgbouncer.ini.tmpl` file: ``` stats_users_prefix = robot_...

@marklester the problem you're running into is related to the `memory_limit` of PHP, without explicitly setting this in a `php.ini` file, it'll default to `128M`. The PHP script which does...

@alecat88 I gave up on trying to get the site to work. The core logic for the CLI commands is useful for converting the LDraw files into a STL file,...

The resolution of the models from ldraw is not the best, and sometimes their dimensions are questionable. I usually import them into F360 as a reference and create my own...

I'm seeing a similar crash from version `v1.0.2` in the json-iterator package: ``` kubed-cint-59bbc96755-8x5m5 kubed I0627 17:07:53.274202 7 trace.go:205] Trace[1474941318]: "Reflector ListAndWatch" (27-Jun-2022 17:07:37.491) (total time: 15782ms): kubed-cint-59bbc96755-8x5m5 kubed...