
Results 33 comments of szelenka

If you want to install the Helm chart from the repo, you'll need to download the linked packages. The dependencies are linked in the Chart.yaml file, which you can download...

this is a missing feature that Zalando's operator provides out of the box, it'd be nice to have in Crunchy. As of 5.2.0, it's still missing

It would be great to have pgBouncer metrics. pgMonitor suggests it's possible through the pgbouncer_fdw extension, but it doesn't appear possible to configure that extension with the v5.2.0 PGO (or...

I'm observing the same issue in Istio without Knative. Seems like an Istio bug IMO

@kyue1005 removing the port definition on ExternalName Service prevents this behavior, yes.. However, when you have Istio mTLS configured in `STRICT` mode, the Destination Rules wont have a port defined...

The problem is when you pass a string (or "raw query") into `fetch_all` or `fetch_one`, the package doesn't know how to interpret the `compiled._result_columns` from the query and simply returns...

are there any future plans for releases for this project? We just ran into this issue when integrating with helmfile, and would really appreciate a release with the patch mentioned...

@waldner AFAIK, concurrencyPolicy should exist in K8s version 1.20.15 that you're using. Though it was still in beta back then. Do you see "Forbid" set in the CronJob the operator...

Just ran into another caveat related to this. The `concurrencyPolicy` change I made applies to Jobs which are triggered by CronJob and that works well. BUT there could be multiple...