Added "known = 207684," to the Misery definition. Tested in-game and it works. Did I do it right this time? :P
Fix shadowpriest opener to match SIMC and class guides. SW:Death was being skipped due to devouring plague requirement. This is not reflected in the sim.
### Before You Begin - [X] I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon. - [X] I am not playing on a private server. - [X]...
### Before You Begin - [X] I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon. - [X] I am not playing on a private server. - [X]...
### Before You Begin - [X] I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon. - [X] I am not playing on a private server. - [X]...
### Before You Begin - [X] I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon. - [X] I am not playing on a private server. - [X]...
Hi, I am getting the ML prediction error on every new base type in 3.25 settlers SC trade still, even updated to the newest version. I can also replicate the...
Note: I have 1 tweak to make tomorrow by swapping to fan of knives spell targets instead of active enemies, dots on far-aways might mess with the predictions. Biggest part...
Instead of writing `buff.metamorphosis.expires = buff.metamorphosis.expires + 8` You'd write `extendBuff( "metamorphosis", 8 )` Works with negative numbers, a check for the buff being removed if negative extension is greater...
### Before You Begin - [X] I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon. - [X] I am not playing on a private server. - [X]...