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Sin Rogue Improvements
Note: I have 1 tweak to make tomorrow by swapping to fan of knives spell targets instead of active enemies, dots on far-aways might mess with the predictions.
Biggest part of this change is the responsiveness of Sin rogue by not trying to recommend 5 fan of knives in a row anymore.
Post-Change: https://streamable.com/iwsgfm Pre-Change: https://streamable.com/r138a9
It's about 1/3 of a GCD more responsive from eyeballing the comparison.
- Predictive Fan of Knives CP gain using ~
floor( crit * enemies )
- Predictive poison applications using ~
floor( poisonChance * enemies)
- Amp and Deadly poison are not always mutually exclusive, their buff presence on your character already manages whether 1 or both can be applied