Swapnil Agarwal
Swapnil Agarwal
Yes. Try adding it at `.git/hooks/pre-commit`
@shreab373 Sure, go ahead!
Hey @vinamrabhatia / @shreab373 , let me know if you need any help!
A `gif` is required that will flip / roll for a few seconds, to add some anticipation!
This would be a great addition, especially for Hacktoberfest!
@aslafy-z Let's prioritize this and release it before this year's Hacktoberfest. 😇
🔥 Moar feedback: * hacktoberfest is finished * Amazon doesn't give out hoodies anymore. * Make the website more colorful and sexier! It's pretty boring right now... an awesome list...
I have mostly seen `tags` as being lowercase everywhere. Can you provide examples where `sentence-case` is used?
The UI can be made more consistent, yes. How about merging the tag filters with the difficulty bar above it?
@harishkotra Can you remove changes from data.json?