Swapnil Agarwal
Swapnil Agarwal
We shall be hosting this at `eli5.tech` What extra features would you like to see on the website? One example I can think of is the ability to filter the...
You can create a Pull Request with even one quote. Only catch is, it has to be curated and inspirational. Let's avoid copy and paste from somewhere. Add content which...
You can create a Pull Request with even one video. Only catch is, it has to be curated and inspirational. Let's avoid copy and paste from somewhere. Add content which...
You can create a Pull Request with even one song. Only catch is, it has to be curated and inspirational. Let's avoid copy and paste from somewhere. Add content which...
You can create a Pull Request by adding geeky quotes here: https://github.com/swapagarwal/geeksay/blob/master/geeksay.js 😄 Examples include `home is where the wifi connects automatically`, `to be or not to be, that is...
You can create a Pull Request by adding translations (single is also encouraged) here: https://github.com/swapagarwal/geeksay/blob/master/geeksay.js 😄 Examples include `forget -> ctrl+z`, `house ->`, `plus -> +`, etc.
Need an API?
If you need an API endpoint for translating layman to geek, let me know in this thread. Feel free to suggest any extra features that you would like to be...