custom-widgets icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
custom-widgets copied to clipboard

The collection of custom widgets for SurveyJS: Survey Library and Survey Creator :package:

Results 56 custom-widgets issues
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### Are you requesting a feature, reporting a bug or asking a question? reporting a bug ### What is the current behavior? When we choose Other(describe) option from select2 control,...


I'm using the icheck widget and a Checkbox question type with the hasOther feature enabled. When you select the "Other" option the text input box does not appear. Sample survey...


I am trying to develop a [jsoneditor]( widget in order to have a json text input field powered by jsoneditor I think that this widget may be of general interest...

help wanted

When i try to select the star on iphone, the star does not stay selected, i have to press and hold for a couple seconds the star. I tested on...


Hi, I'm trying to create a custom widget which is based upon a panel. When trying this the afterRender() function doesn't seem to be called and no matter if isDefaultRender...


I am doing an heavy use of select2/slect2tagbox widgets in my survey. I slightly modify them in order to exploit the _tags_ option of select2 plugin which let add new...


it seems from the source that [select2 tags option]( is ignored


Fix bug that prevents user from clearing date value. **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Go to 2. Set date using datepicker 3. Clear date by deleting input text (Delete key)...

We ran into the same issue as reported in but with the bootstrap slider instead of the nouislider: It also fails with the error message ``` TypeError: Cannot read...

The packages on NPM do not include the source, this makes it hard to use them in frontend projects!