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The collection of custom widgets for SurveyJS: Survey Library and Survey Creator :package:

Results 56 custom-widgets issues
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Now the officially supported third-party date widget is bootstrap datepicker, but bootstrap datepicker cannot set the time part. Is there a way to support bootstrap datetimepicker, so that a widget...


var json = { "elements": [ { "name": "date", "type": "bootstrapdatepicker", "inputType": "date", "title": "Your favorite date:", "dateFormat": "mm/dd/yy", "isRequired": true, "orientation":"bottom" } ] }; ![image](


[Hi,](url [textwithbutton.txt]( [SurveyCreator.txt]( ) I am trying to add one of the custom widget to survey creator toolbox but getting failed...plz help. i used surveyjs_react_quickstart to add new widget i...


Hello, I am using React with typescript. I want to use a custom created widget and I am following [this tutorial]( but when I run my application the custom widget...


dear, I want to implement the rating widget in my form, I've created it using the formbuilder but when I implement the json in my website the rating doesn't render...


I'm using the Vue Version and typescript. My import for surveyjs-widgets is failing due to a like of Typescript defitions.


the tooltip get stuck when upgrading to the latest verison, i have seen all the example in the plunker but they use version @9.2 so can we upgrade the version...


I'm using the autocomplete component with an angular app, and currently the component seems broken. When expanding the "Choices" and "Choices from Web" options, the menu items are duplicated and...


Specifically to include this fix - Loading two separate surveys w/ custom-widgets in two separate vue apps on the same page causes the above input-mask error `Uncaught DOMException: Failed...

Dear Team, After playing around with survey-react for good amount of time, we are not able to bring 'tagbox' and then i forked 'survey-react' and then figured out to be...
