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The collection of custom widgets for SurveyJS: Survey Library and Survey Creator :package:

Results 56 custom-widgets issues
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Are you requesting a feature, reporting a bug or asking a question? Question: Hello I'm trying to create a custom widget, I've been looking at several examples specially this one...


Using widgets is a pain using angular2, both with the widgets library and custom widgets. At least for me trying to integrate sortablejs and barrating. I looked into all examples...


Hi, I'd like to be able to use variables in the choicesByUrl path of the autocomplete widget - like it is already possible with dropdowns as shown in Because...


Hi when I try to add a new widget I get this error in the console ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'getType' of null. The project is in Angular 7....


I am creating (for use in survey-creator) a custom widget based on multipletext, except that the set of items are predefined, and shouldn't be editable by the user. I'm able...


### Are you requesting a feature, reporting a bug or asking a question? Bug ### What is the current behavior? SortableList does not support choice visibility via - `choicesVisibleIf` -...


For example prefix property in datepicker inherited from text, which was added by mask input widget.


I can't find any extra information in the documentation regarding custom widgets. I want to use emotionsrating type and the NoUiSlider, but the settings from the custom-widgets themselves won't work....


I read [this article]( and it says: > SurveyJS gives you an easy way to integrate any JavaScript widget. There are hundreds and thousands different JavaScript widgets on the web....


Is it possible to have 2 columns of data inside a select2 widget? For example a list like: Italy - IT Germany - GER
