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The collection of custom widgets for SurveyJS: Survey Library and Survey Creator :package:

Results 56 custom-widgets issues
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It would be nice to support non-jquery star rating: I'm open to make a PR for this, my goal is to get rid of the jQuery dependency ;-)


This project: implements an alternative to Select2 that does not depend on jQuery. It'd be nice to support this widget!


I have added the `decimals` option to set the desired number of decimal places. It defaults to 2, which is the default value for nouisliders. This means that this change...

This ensures that the value in the input field can only be changed via the datepicker. Without this attribute, users may click into the input field and add arbitrary text...

I tried editing the json file, but no dice... Any pointers on how I can remove the .00 decimals on a rangeslider? I have a slider that should only show...


1) Go to 2) Datepicker enableIf doesn't works correctly 3) ??? 4) But if set value to datepicker, set enable value to target question, set disable value to target...

Hello. I use the sortable list widget and try to localize it completely. I can't get through to the element that has the default value "Move items here." and replace...


If you add multiple nouislider widgets to a page and change the selected value of one of them, it changes the selected value of all of them. What do we...


Hi! Have you any example, how to correct implement nonvalue custom widet (like html widget)? I want to create customizable link widget (to add redirecr url automatically). Also it can...


Does anyone have an example of using the imageHotArea custom component within a React SurveyJS context? (It doesn't look like support is included for it in surveyjs-widgets.js) Thank you!
