Suraj Bonagiri
Suraj Bonagiri
Hello all, When I launch `roslaunch mavros px4.launch`, I get the following errors: `[FATAL] [1575182645.061566803]: No thrust scaling factor found, DO NOT FLY [FATAL] [1575182645.061969702]: No system mass found, DO...
Hey. I'm following this [wiki](,-Mavros,-Mavlink,-QGC)#pixhawk) to get HIL working. In the instructions, it says to clone ASL's pixhawk firmware from the repo "fw_px4". But that repo doesn't exist. What am...
Hello, I'm Unable to fix this issue. Using ROS Lunar on Ubuntu 16.04 ``` SUMMARY ======== PARAMETERS * /bebop/bebop_driver/bebop_ip: * /bebop/bebop_driver/camera_info_url: package://bebop_d... * /bebop/bebop_driver/cmd_vel_timeout: 0.2 * /bebop/bebop_driver/odom_frame_id: odom *...
`In file included from /home/suraj/rosplane_ws/src/rosplane/rosplane_sim/src/aircraft_forces_and_moments.cpp:18:0: /home/suraj/rosplane_ws/src/rosplane/rosplane_sim/include/rosplane_sim/aircraft_forces_and_moments.h:33:36: fatal error: rosflight_msgs/Command.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.`
``` writing to file/home/suraj/.gazebo/models/testing/testing.sdf b_sicissor_unit_001_ b_sicissor_unit_001_001 circularEdge_001 circularEdge_001_mirror Joint Joint: Joint with label Joint detected! Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/suraj/.FreeCAD/Mod/RobotCreator/Macros/sdfExport.FCMacro", line 63, in sdfFile.write(' \n') File "/home/suraj/.FreeCAD/Mod/RobotCreator/Macros/sdfExport.FCMacro", line...