
Results 6 issues of sumin5784

Hello, I'm trying to use my own dataset to fine-tune DNABERT-5/6. I have several questions about this. 1. All input sequence length should be the same? Or input sequences can...

Hello, I'm new user at tombo and ONT data. Please help me to figure it out this error. COMMANDS: DirFast5="/mnt/e/ONT_Data/fast5" GenomeFASTA="/mnt/e/AnnotationData/CDS/hg19.fa" tombo resquiggle ${DirFast5} ${GenomeFASTA} OUTPUT: [16:32:22] Loading minimap2 reference....

Hello, I did resquiggling and got errors, so was trying to annotate raw files with fastqs. And I'm keep having weird results from annotating. I tried two times but tombo...

Hello, I'm trying to generate gene annotation file using RepeatMasker. Specifically, I need transposable elements in lncRNA sequence. Currently, I'm using Dfam library and RMBlast search engine. I put lncRNA...


Hi, I'm having the same issue addressed in one of the closed issue [Margin/div bug when rendering gitbook #733] I re-installed bookdown as addressed in that previous issue but still...

Hello, I have list of GEO study accession IDs and need to extract SRA meta data. And I got several studies returned error message. Does anyone know what causes this...
