Closes #615 ## Description This PR uses config.json stored in user's local machine home config directory to check if user is opted in for metrics tracking ______ For contributor use:...
Closes #597 ## Description Replaces current implementation of manual account creation with the Flow Account API stated in ______ For contributor use: - [x] Targeted PR against `master` branch...
### Problem When emulator name is changed from "default" to something else, we get an error message saying “no default emulator account”. This means that currently flow cli users can’t...
Currently, there are many commands available in the docs site and it is overwhelming for beginners to get started with flow-cli. We want to create an interactive cli that enables...
Move metrics record command ______ For contributor use: - [x] Targeted PR against `master` branch - [ ] Linked to Github issue with discussion and accepted design OR link to...
Closes #231 This PR enables users to add and update contract without using contract name. It will extract contract name from contract source code. ______ For contributor use: - [x]...
This PR will prevent cli from crashing if there is no default signer found and instead will return error message. ______ For contributor use: - [x] Targeted PR against `master`...
When creating a new account on testnet with faucet, returns the expected result for example of txID 36f7e28b3480f0b237523146fa322c92ea64382d7ad8dec9eee817bb1a891f31. However, while working on feature of integrating Lilico's API for account...