Sample output of json in config.json ```` { "metrics": true } ````
I also don't think we need go routine for sending command usage, because we are not aggregating the command usage. There is no limit on sending API events on mixpanel....
Shouldn't we also have an API that can get tx object just by txID though? @sideninja The previous function GetTransactionResult still exists as there are other functions that require it.
Will look into this thanks @BlockchainFreak
Hey @BlockchainFreak I just tried project deploy command on testnet on my end and it works fine. Can you try again with newest flow cli version?
@bluesign Hi! is the local file resolution from ever implemented in cadence? Or is a specific fix needed in the cli? Thanks!
Currently doesn't seem like we have the API implemented for saving snapshot for emulator ```` Raymonds-MBP-3:flow raymondsukanto$ ./flow snapshot save /tmp/snapshot.json ⚠️ warning: using insecure client connection to download snapshot,...
We need to implement saving snapshot api in emulator first before implementing emulator snapshot management
we can try linking the version number on pre built binaries to version.txt instead of whats on gcs bucket
@thgaskell Thanks for flagging this. We have edited the version.txt to v0.38.1