Suhas Mahesh
Suhas Mahesh
A large amount of proofreading now happens daily. The recent changes page ( does not show all the changes. It truncates them at some point. I need to see more...
A proofreader working with kannada has pointed out an issue where the bottommost part of certain aksharas get clipped. This causes some letters to appear like others. For instance vaṃśodbhava...
A user had a strange issue where he accidentally registered with username "Vasant " and then couldn't figure out why he wasn't able to login with "Vasant". Please put some...
"Sorry, this content is not available right now. (Server error)" This error message, which is seen with texts that don't support clickable meanings, is a bit misleading. It makes it...
Scans often have missing or unreadable pages, and we need a way to add, delete and replace individual pages.
We have lots of uploads now without metadata. We should make the Title, Author, Editor, Publisher, Year compulsory. Otherwise it may get disorganised and unprofessional.