Steven Lambert

Results 173 comments of Steven Lambert

I know this is a bit old, but is there any way to get this into the codebase? Would love to be able to do case insensitive selectors.

Thanks for the information. Yes the first image is from IE11 when mocha is loaded on the page. I'm not sure why core-js adds Promise as `[native code]`, but it...

I just ran into this problem as well and it took me a long time to figure out what was going on as it unexpectedly breaks `res.write` in all middleware...

There seems to be a lot going on in that PR discussion wise. From what I can gather you seem to want two different PRs made: one that fixes this...

Ah, I thought that PR was to fix the flush bug. I'm not sure if I understand what you mean. How does passing through the arguments from compressions `res.write` to...

I see, I misunderstood how that all worked together. I can see how that complicates maters significantly. I'll investigate further to see if I can come up with something else...

I'd just like to say that Heydon Pickering's [Inclusive Components article]( of when to use menu navigation vs site navigation was very helpful and clarifying. Would love to see it...

Interesting idea. I'm trying to think of where the code would fit since its kinda a mix between TileEngine and Sprite movement. My initial thinking is it doesn't really belong...

Lot of awesome stuff here! I know depth sorting has been asked for a few times (#94). I'll take an in depth look at the code over the holiday break.

Alright, so I've had some time to look over this and here are my thoughts: * z-ordering: super simple to implement, and now that I have [scenes into v7]( I...