Results 194 comments of stnava

That would be fantastic, I am up to my neck and barely stay afloat right now On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 11:23 AM John Muschelli wrote: > Can you...

might investigate

hi - i tried this morning w/ANTsR and ANTsRCore : ``` > sessionInfo() R version 3.4.0 (2017-04-21) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit) Running under: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6 Matrix products: default...

very strange error - cannot reproduce on osx or ubuntu 18.04 - do not have ubuntu 22.04LTS this suggests an issue with ITK I/O library loading. may be resolved by...

``` warp=antsImageRead("/tmp//RtmpmMgvkd/file5e4c44312a4b1Warp.nii.gz") splitChannels(warp) ``` note: the true distance is the composition of the the affine + the warp. so you would have to compose them both if that is your...

yes - it is as simple as: ``` mytx

it's more likely that the registration result is not correct than the code/core tools are getting distances wrong. anyway, as nick points out, it's important to decide what distances you...

just a comment on the scientific result - this would suggest ( already fairly clear from the literature ) that univariate VLSM results are not very stable. of course, one...

Massive impact on memory use and creates more maintenance overhead Due to need for converting between types ... furthermore, no guarantee it will fix the issue. Running in single threaded...

​the solution:​ Go into Itk ; set a fixed seed; no multi threading... should be very reproducible. But you lose multithreading ​speed-up ​ and hide the uncertainty intrinsic to the...