Consider renaming to animal-friendly and lump in animal rights, vegan, furr, etc. Or, add a supercategory and include the pet items in it. "pet_friendly" {"qid":"94667","text":" Do you like cats? ","answerText":["Yes","No","Yes,...
Yes to "Would you consider role-playing a rape fantasy if your partner asked you to?" is showing as red for rough-kinky. It's probably an issue with the hyphen in role-playing....
WRT Quizzes category: Notes on duplicates and additional suggestions 0) How do we look up qids? 1) Duplicate: The second block here has no differentiation in scoring. Is that intentional?...
I proposed the following questions for integration into existing categories "generally_happy" {"qid":"4018","text":" Are you happy with your life? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} "late-night-friendly" {"qid":"152740","text":" Are you a early bird or a night owl?...
See bottom for list of 65+ questions that I deem relevant to the issue. Note that personal biases and a bit of exhaustion impact my suggested weightings, so those will...
Ontologically, it is better to have the sections organized by topic rather than by +/- on a dimension when a subtle name change completely reverses it. I'm not particularly concerned...
Cross ref #145 : Potential Refactor for choice of name. [I'm not particularly concerned about underscores vs hyphens, but I think putting the main topic first and the modifier afterwards...
Proposed new category pair: Risk Weightings are not necessarily symmetrical between aversion and friendliness. For example, there are risks that are way out there (i.e., that a reasonably mainstream person...
geek-friendly {"qid":"52936","text":" Do you enjoy creating mathematical problems to solve by yourself? ","answerText":["Yes.","No."],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.5]} {"qid":"24748","text":" Would you date a comic book geek? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"1375","text":" Are geeks sexy? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"355125","text":" Would you...
extrovert {"qid":"16915","text":" Would you prefer someone extremely mellow or extremely hyper? ","answerText":["Hyper","Mellow"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[.5,.5]} {"qid":"358014","text":" Could you date someone who was really quiet? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[-1,1],"weight":[.5,.5]} {"qid":"83886","text":" Are you an introvert or an extrovert?...