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Proposed new category topic group: Appearance

Open stn4d89 opened this issue 9 years ago • 0 comments

Cross ref #145 : Potential Refactor for choice of name. [I'm not particularly concerned about underscores vs hyphens, but I think putting the main topic first and the modifier afterwards will help with file maintainability]

appearance-unconventional {"qid":"22419","text":" How do you feel when you see an attractive person whose gender you can't determine? ","answerText":["Turned on","Curious","Offended or disgusted","That's impossible!"],"score":[1,0,-1,-1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"9415","text":" Would you date someone with a facial piercing? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"83703","text":" Would you ever date a person who was heavily tattooed, pierced or modified? ","answerText":["Yes, I think that's sexy.","Yes, but I don't care much for it.","It depends on the person.","No, that's not my cup of tea."],"score":[1,1,-1,-1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"20981","text":" Genital piercings? ","answerText":["Make me hot.","Ouch, no thanks.","No opinion."],"score":[1,-1,1],"weight":[1,1,0]} {"qid":"30115","text":" Have you ever gotten, or would you ever get, a piercing below the belt? ","answerText":["I have.","I would.","I wouldn't."],"score":[1,1,-1],"weight":[1,1,1]} {"qid":"129","text":" Do you have any "extreme" piercings (this includes anything other than ears, nose, or navel)? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.5]}

{"qid":"50713","text":" Would you consider dating someone who has a tattoo with an ex's name? ","answerText":["Yes.","No.","It would depend upon the name."],"score":[1,-1,-1],"weight":[1,1,.5]} {"qid":"108856","text":" Do you have any tattoos? ","answerText":["Yes, I have more than one tattoo.","Yes, I have one tattoo.","No, but I want to get a tattoo.","No, and I have no interest in getting a tattoo."],"score":[1,1,1,-1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"128","text":" Do you have any tattoos? ","answerText":["I have 1 or more big tattoos","I have 1 or more little tattoos","I have no tattoos"],"score":[1,1,-1],"weight":[1,1,.5]} {"qid":"36355","text":" Would you consider dating someone who has extensive facial tattoos? ","answerText":["Yes.","No."],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"206834","text":" Are you okay with dating someone who has tattoos? ","answerText":["Yes, I don't mind if the person I date has tattoos","Yes, if they aren't on the face/neck/hands/arms","So long as they're covered when it's appropriate","No, never"],"score":[1,1,-1,-1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"513","text":" Have you ever dyed your hair a real crazy, unnatural color? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"26299","text":" What haircolor, or shade, do you prefer? ","answerText":["Dark (Black, Brown, Auburn)","Light (Blonde, Light Brown, Red)","Other (Neon, Obviously Dyed)","I have no preference"],"score":[0,0,0,1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]}

appearance-conventional {"qid":"20290","text":" Is being "in-style" with regards to fashion important to you? ","answerText":["Yes, Extremely","Yeah, sometimes","Not really","No Way!"],"score":[1,1,-1,-1],"weight":[1,.5,.5,1]} {"qid":"234","text":" Does fashion matter to you? ","answerText":["A lot","A little","Not at all"],"score":[1,1,-1],"weight":[1,.5,1]} {"qid":"513","text":" Have you ever dyed your hair a real crazy, unnatural color? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[-1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"26299","text":" What haircolor, or shade, do you prefer? ","answerText":["Dark (Black, Brown, Auburn)","Light (Blonde, Light Brown, Red)","Other (Neon, Obviously Dyed)","I have no preference"],"score":[1,1,1,-1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]}

{"qid":"9415","text":" Would you date someone with a facial piercing? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[-1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"83703","text":" Would you ever date a person who was heavily tattooed, pierced or modified? ","answerText":["Yes, I think that's sexy.","Yes, but I don't care much for it.","It depends on the person.","No, that's not my cup of tea."],"score":[-1,-1,-1,1],"weight":[1,.5,.5,1]} {"qid":"20981","text":" Genital piercings? ","answerText":["Make me hot.","Ouch, no thanks.","No opinion."],"score":[-1,1,1],"weight":[.5,.5,.5]} {"qid":"30115","text":" Have you ever gotten, or would you ever get, a piercing below the belt? ","answerText":["I have.","I would.","I wouldn't."],"score":[-1,-1,1],"weight":[.5,.5,.5]} {"qid":"129","text":" Do you have any "extreme" piercings (this includes anything other than ears, nose, or navel)? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[-1,1],"weight":[.5,.5]}

{"qid":"50713","text":" Would you consider dating someone who has a tattoo with an ex's name? ","answerText":["Yes.","No.","It would depend upon the name."],"score":[1,1,1],"weight":[1,1,1]} {"qid":"108856","text":" Do you have any tattoos? ","answerText":["Yes, I have more than one tattoo.","Yes, I have one tattoo.","No, but I want to get a tattoo.","No, and I have no interest in getting a tattoo."],"score":[1,1,1,1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"128","text":" Do you have any tattoos? ","answerText":["I have 1 or more big tattoos","I have 1 or more little tattoos","I have no tattoos"],"score":[1,1,1],"weight":[1,1,1]} {"qid":"36355","text":" Would you consider dating someone who has extensive facial tattoos? ","answerText":["Yes.","No."],"score":[1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"206834","text":" Are you okay with dating someone who has tattoos? ","answerText":["Yes, I don't mind if the person I date has tattoos","Yes, if they aren't on the face/neck/hands/arms","So long as they're covered when it's appropriate","No, never"],"score":[-1,-1,-1,1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"20290","text":" Is being "in-style" with regards to fashion important to you? ","answerText":["Yes, Extremely","Yeah, sometimes","Not really","No Way!"],"score":[1,1,-1,-1],"weight":[1,.5,.5,1]}

appearance-conscious {"qid":"322","text":" Do you try to draw attention to your body by wearing seductive clothing? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"19652","text":" How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? ","answerText":["I'm ready when I wake up","Less than 1 hour","1 - 2 hours","2 hours or more"],"score":[-1,0,1,1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"35979","text":" If you were in a long term relationship and your partner gained weight due to something like surgery recovery or childbirth, would you think less of them as a person? ","answerText":["No, my partner's weight is irrelevant to me.","No, my partner's health is what is most important.","Not if they are willing to work hard and lose it.","Yes, weight gain is so unattractive."],"score":[-1,-1,1,1],"weight":[1,1,.5,1]} {"qid":"164","text":" Do you wear a suit to work (or female equivalent)? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,0],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"70095","text":" Which is worse: Obesity or anorexia? ","answerText":["Obesity.","Anorexia.","Both are equally bad.","Neither is bad."],"score":[1,-1,0,-1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"64193","text":" Is owning a distinctive car important to you? ","answerText":["Yes.","No."],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"85623","text":" How does tall someone need to be for you to consider them as a romantic prospect? ","answerText":["Doesn't matter/no minimum","At least 5'6" (168cm)","At least 5'10" (178cm)","At least 6' (183cm)"],"score":[-1,1,1,1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"127","text":" Do you wear expensive designer clothes? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"23769","text":" Would you rather date someone very fit/trim, but obsessed with body image and who can't stop talking about working out; or someone more laid back about body image, but a little more pudgy/unfit? ","answerText":["fit and obsessed","unfit and relaxed"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"125","text":" Do you lift weights? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[.5,.25]} {"qid":"26529","text":" Have you ever taken any pills hoping they would help you lose weight? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"513","text":" Have you ever dyed your hair a real crazy, unnatural color? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"1669","text":" You're shopping for something and have three versions to choose from. Which do you pick? ","answerText":["The one with the most style.","The one with the most features.","The one with the lowest price."],"score":[1,-1,-1],"weight":[1,1,1]} {"qid":"35979","text":" If you were in a long term relationship and your partner gained weight due to something like surgery recovery or childbirth, would you think less of them as a person? ","answerText":["No, my partner's weight is irrelevant to me.","No, my partner's health is what is most important.","Not if they are willing to work hard and lose it.","Yes, weight gain is so unattractive."],"score":[-1,-1,1,1],"weight":[.5,.5,.5,1]} {"qid":"65043","text":" Do you own any sexy underwear? ","answerText":["Yes.","No."],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"22203","text":" Have you ever had cosmetic plastic surgery? ","answerText":["Yes","No","I'd rather not say"],"score":[1,-1,1],"weight":[1,.5,.5]}

{"qid":"156768","text":" Do you currently own or have you ever owned a suit/dress that cost $1000 or more? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"43761","text":" Do you currently own or have you ever owned a suit/dress that cost $1000 or more? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"193092","text":" A Hammer and a Nail cost $31. If the Hammer cost $30 dollars more than the Nail, what is the cost of the Nail? ","answerText":["It costs $1.","Other.","Who would buy a $30 Hammer?","This question is completely ridiculous!"],"score":[1,1,1,1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"37695","text":" Not including Halloween, do you enjoy dressing up in costumes? ","answerText":["Yes - Every chance I get.","Yes - On occasion.","I think that I might, but I do not.","No."],"score":[1,1,1,1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]}

{"qid":"86773","text":" When a date is coming to your house do you strategically place things (for example: books, CDs, DVDs, gadgets, etc.) to project a certain image? ","answerText":["Yes.","No."],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.5]} {"qid":"85823","text":" How much would you dress up for a first date with someone you met on OkCupid? ","answerText":["I'd go all out.","I'd try to look nice.","I wouldn't wear anything special.","It would vary, depending upon their profile."],"score":[1,1,1,1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"234","text":" Does fashion matter to you? ","answerText":["A lot","A little","Not at all"],"score":[1,1,-1],"weight":[1,.5,1]} {"qid":"20290","text":" Is being "in-style" with regards to fashion important to you? ","answerText":["Yes, Extremely","Yeah, sometimes","Not really","No Way!"],"score":[1,1,-1,-1],"weight":[1,.5,.5,1]} {"qid":"32807","text":" Do you condone the wearing of fur for fashion? ","answerText":["Yes, why not?","No, those poor animals!","Sort of; faux fur only!","No opinion or don't know/care."],"score":[1,0,1,0],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"291","text":" Would you prefer it if fashion models were the same size and bodytype as the average citizen? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,1],"weight":[1,.5]}

{"qid":"206834","text":" Are you okay with dating someone who has tattoos? ","answerText":["Yes, I don't mind if the person I date has tattoos","Yes, if they aren't on the face/neck/hands/arms","So long as they're covered when it's appropriate","No, never"],"score":[-1,1,1,1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]}

stn4d89 avatar Oct 27 '15 07:10 stn4d89