Steven Waslander
Steven Waslander
Can we add some examples of test programs to use libwave for stuff to the readme or documentation?
As we had with MCPTAM, and now that we can build maps from lidar data, can we set up a default test bag on the wavelab server, and provide instructions...
Main mcptam run on a bag file. Client server run intrinsic/extrinsic calibration
When running the MCPTAM code in client / server mode, the gui has small images, a lot of black around them, and no visible buttons. The space bar still works...
Features don't appear for a little while once BA is finished, delay does not seem necessary.
Only issue is to 3DMG-imu driver, which needed three constants changed to constexpr (as they are floats and doubles).
Major research question, work underway.
Useful as part of the CPER keyframe selection step.
This would allow more varied MCPTAM usage, not just with wide angle cameras. Will have to template on the camera model so we can swap between Taylor, atan and pinhole