Steve Halliwell
Steve Halliwell
The changes to save that are coming in 3.14, have more doco and more samples of working with the save system. Prior, to those changes, if anyone has recommendations shaing...
Thanks for the report and additional detail y'all. I have seen this but haven't had it persist as I tend to jump between branches and Unity versions and end up...
This doesn't seem to be helping narrow it down to a single thing, but it does cement for me that it's related to GUIStyles being invalid or cached improperly. Just...
this would subsume the print func. Could implement as readonly table that is hardwired fallback in get global. That way child vms can easily not have the same platform access.
initial Platform interface - string readfile(string) - writefile(string, string) - print(string) - ~~cout, cerr, clog~~ (don't actually want to need these)
Should scriptlocator and platform share the same access and restrictions. Would mean if not given read access cannot build queue files this might be fun to try out here too
idea: optimiser could identify a getlocal, getlocal, add and replace that with an register based add that replaces the need for the two get locals. This could be done for...
some of this is done in #205
The real value here would be if we can determine all types from just var declares. But that value really only exists if we used that to generate closer to...