Steve Grunwell

Results 47 comments of Steve Grunwell

Something I've found lately has been that the logic surrounding "only check the files that are being staged for commit" is then causing files that would otherwise be ignored to...

Luigi, Thanks for the PR, and my apologies for the radio silence. Hoping to be able to look at this shortly!

@richardsweeney My apologies, I've been swamped with work as of late. Will try to look as soon as I can get myself in a good shell scripting headspace :)

@johnpbloch thanks for taking a look and the great notes! Maybe I should have had you look this over when I first wrote the package ;) @killua99, if you're still...

One thing I'll never do is rush people on open-source work. Something about a pot and kettle... 😉

This documentation will live in the wiki:

Echoing the general sentiment here, documentation is invaluable, especially in environments where developers are constantly being swapped out mid-project. > *Disclosure:* It's well known that I ❤️ good documentation, and...