Steve Grunwell

Results 47 comments of Steve Grunwell

I've spent some time digging into this today, and this appears to impact anyone running on PHP 7.x (7.4, in my case): [When iterating over the found files](, `opcache_compile_file()` trips...

To provide some context on this, logs are getting filled up with the following PHP notice: ``` PHP Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in /path/to/wp-content/plugins/crayon-syntax-highlighter/crayon_formatter.class.php on line...

Might be able to help out here: we ran into a similar problem with a 10up client who wanted to be able to resize gifs while preserving animation. Since Gifsicle...

It looks like Schema's changed a bit of its underlying architecture since I started the plugin, looks like it's time to revisit. BreadcrumbList seems like an immensely-cool and useful schema...

Hey @morganestes, thanks for the report! Schemify is due for an update, and I'll be sure to look into this!

@nicholasio Definitely still open, my time on Schemify has been really scattered. Hoping to be able to get back to this towards the end of this week :)

Hey @SarahHaruel, thanks for reaching out! Now that you mention it, the ability to override the schema output on a per-post basis could be extremely useful. The UI might be...

> No one should be using JSCS or JSHint these days. Those tools are dead, and have been replaced by ESLint and JavaScript Standard Style. While it's great to be...

Travis has been (re-)enabled. Have fun!

Morgan, thanks for bringing this to my attention!