Steve Grunwell

Results 47 comments of Steve Grunwell

Heh, just ran into this myself; I'm going to refactor to use [dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer](, which will simplify the code in WP Enforcer and reduce conflicts.

@jhabdas Mind clarifying which package's `-c` option you're talking about? Neither WP Enforcer nor PHP_CodeSniffer have a `-c`, and the hard-coded check is to see whether or not a `phpcs.xml`...

I agree, it would certainly reduce friction, but I'm not sure it will be possible given the way PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes files; perhaps filtering the output from `phpcs` to remove any...

Not a problem, drawing attention to an issue is helping all in of itself! I wouldn't be surprised if Weston mentioned the coding standards, considering [he's one of the maintainers...

The restriction currently in place is on a per-file basis; [`git diff --diff-filter=...` will filter the files to compare](, but PHP_CodeSniffer could still pick up coding standards issues in code...

It's not that it's not designed for the common developer, but WP Enforcer was conceived while I was working at 10up. A lot of code review issues that came up...

@ericmann you raise some very valid points – the goal is to not change the _way_ the script works at all, just write it in a way that will be...

An update on this: In what little free time I've had recently I've started work on a more generic "Git hooks via Composer"-type package, which will then be utilized by...

Ahead of this I've started work on [a more abstracted Git Hook package for Composer](, with the goal of that being the underlying tool and WP Enforcer becoming a WordPress-specific...

Another update: GitHook'd was a dumb name, and I know a lot more now than I did at the time. [Smee]( is the current plan, with WP Enforcer being rewritten...