Simon Templer

Results 49 comments of Simon Templer

Also stumbled upon this - note that the OSGi manifest informations were there in previous versions, e.g. _1.1.6_ of `parboiled-java` includes the headers, _1.1.7_ does not. Just wrapping with default...

Could it be that you need to use a proxy server to connect to the internet? That's often an issue as this has to be configured in hale studio explicitly...

If there is a general issue with the proxy configuration a test is also if the background map in the map view can be shown. Thus you could verify that...

@JohannaOtt Any suggestions for the rewording?

> Multiple values for source nodes w/o transformation context match. The message is not about "condition contexts" but about the context of a source node in the transformation tree, which...

@JohannaOtt But I would see as a problem that you can't just assume the definition in both cases is the same. So one would need to check if the definitions...

> Is it possible to have types with the same name from the same namespace but different definitions? Sure, there is nothing preventing this. For example: - GML 2 and...

Removing multiple types is possible already. When multiple types are selected in the schema explorer you can choose "Exclude type from mapping" from the context menu.

Do you see that in direction of, doing this based on custom functions? > extract sub strings from values Are there cases where the regular expression extraction function cannot...

Do you have any use cases or examples in my mind where this is a problem?