sphinx-tribes copied to clipboard
Backend for sphinx tribes and bounties. The bounty platform pays out in bitcoin. Sign up with Sphinx Chat, complete a bounty, and earn bitcoin! Go to our website for available bounties.
``` const domain = "your.jitsi.instance"; // Replace with our Jitsi instance domain const options = { roomName: "exampleRoom", width: 700, height: 700, parentNode: document.querySelector('#meet') }; const api = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(domain,...
## Describe your changes Change Github workflow for docker build
gpt-4-0125-preview suggested coverage for: Test [Stakwork Run](https://jobs.stakwork.com/admin/projects/35872366) Test Cases for GetFeaturesByWorkspaceUuid: - Valid UUID with Features Available: Verify it returns a list of WorkspaceFeatures. - Valid UUID with No Features...
### Context We have a new requirement for endpoints to manage phases inside features New endpoints: POST /features/phase GET /features/{feature_uuid}/phase GET /features/{feature_uuid}/phase/{phase_uuid} DELETE /features/{feature_uuid}/phase/{phase_uuid} Add Table to DB: feature_phase uuid...
### Context We have a new requirement for endpoints to manage user stories inside features New endpoints: POST /features/story GET /features/{feature_uuid}/story GET /features/{feature_uuid}/story/{story_uuid} DELETE /features/{feature_uuid}/story/{story_uuid} Add Table to DB: feature_story...
@fvalentiner Here is a version for new balance layout. Balance is split into 4 categories: Current Balance, Completed, Assigned, Opened Click on each opens page with bounties with selected status....
This podcast showed up in the apple app, but not on sphinx. I let the sphinx app site for around 5 minutes while I tapped the Listen and Feed tabs....
## Relay ### Point Of Failures: - Tribes Server is dependent on Relay for bounty payment and invoice generation if Relay is down we won't be able to make bounty...
Issue: Hunter need to keep track of the referral program earnings Goal: Build landing a page that will exists inside of hunter profile. This landing page is a dashboard that...
Issue: Improve user sign up to the bounty platform for new hunters that joins via the referral program Goal: Build a customer centric sign up landing page for new hunters...