sphinx-tribes copied to clipboard
Add Phases to Features
We have a new requirement for endpoints to manage phases inside features
New endpoints: POST /features/phase GET /features/{feature_uuid}/phase GET /features/{feature_uuid}/phase/{phase_uuid} DELETE /features/{feature_uuid}/phase/{phase_uuid}
Add Table to DB: feature_phase
uuid (text) feature_uuid (text) name (text) priority (integer) created (datetime) updated (datetime) created_by (text) updated_by (text)
Remember to fill the last 4 columns with the corresponding data.
clone branch https://github.com/stakwork/sphinx-tribes/tree/feature-add-phases
Make sure you are running posgresql locally
Create file .env with the following content PORT=5005 DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:asdf@localhost:5432/ebdb?sslmode=disable
Change DATABASE_URL to connect to your local DB (it could be an empty db)
4. Run "go run ." to run the backend API that connects to the DB and creates the objects
5. Open a new terminal window and run "npx cypress run" this starts to run the tests
Your job is to create the routes, handler functions and db changes in order for the test to pass. If you find any issues or typos in the cypress tests please let the creator of the issue know.
Before committing your changes make sure the cypress tests pass.
Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] Tests are passing using "npx cypress run"
- [ ] I have rebased and tested locally before submitting my PR
- [ ] I can submit a pr within 2 days of taking the bounty