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[Test repo2graph] - features.go

Open tomsmith8 opened this issue 9 months ago • 1 comments

gpt-4-0125-preview suggested coverage for: Test

Stakwork Run

Test Cases for GetFeaturesByWorkspaceUuid:

  • Valid UUID with Features Available: Verify it returns a list of WorkspaceFeatures.
  • Valid UUID with No Features Available: Verify it returns an empty list.
  • Invalid UUID: Verify handling of invalid UUID formats, expecting an empty list or error handling.
  • Pagination Parameters Provided: Test various combinations of offset and limit for correct data slice.
  • Sorting Parameters Provided: Verify correct sorting based on sortBy and direction.
  • Default Sorting Applied: Verify default sorting is created DESC when no parameters are provided.
  • SQL Injection Prevention: Verify that the method is safe against SQL injection when passing sortBy, direction, or uuid.

Test Cases for GetWorkspaceFeaturesCount:

  • Valid UUID with Features: Verify it returns the correct count of features.
  • Valid UUID with No Features: Verify it returns zero.
  • Invalid UUID: Check handling of invalid UUIDs, expecting zero or error handling.
  • SQL Injection Prevention: Ensure the method is secure against SQL injection through the uuid parameter.

Test Cases for GetFeatureByUuid

  • Valid Feature UUID: Verify it returns the correct WorkspaceFeatures object.
  • Non-existent Feature UUID: Verify it returns an empty WorkspaceFeatures object or handles the scenario appropriately.
  • Invalid UUID Format: Check handling of invalid UUID formats, expecting graceful handling.
  • SQL Injection Prevention: Test against SQL injection vulnerabilities through the uuid parameter.

Test Cases for CreateOrEditFeature:

  • Create New Feature: Verify creating a new feature when UUID doesn't exist.
  • Edit Existing Feature: Verify updating an existing feature based on UUID.
  • Whitespace Trimming: Verify that strings are trimmed for relevant fields.
  • Invalid Data Handling: Test with missing required fields or invalid UUIDs, expecting error handling.
  • Check Timestamps: Ensure Created and Updated timestamps are correctly set or updated.
  • Handle Duplicate UUID: Verify behavior when attempting to create a feature with a UUID that already exists.
  • SQL Injection Prevention: Ensure that the method is secure against SQL injection, particularly through string fields and UUID.

Additional General Test Cases:

  • Concurrency for Create/Edit: Test concurrent create or edit operations to ensure data integrity and correct handling of race conditions.
  • Validation of Input Data: Ensure all input data is validated before processing, particularly for types and formats.
  • Error Handling and Logging: Verify that errors are correctly logged and handled without exposing sensitive information or causing crashes.

Unit Test Code:

I apologize for the confusion earlier. Let's address the testing aspect of your Go code according to the provided test cases, using Go's testing framework. Since the original request was for unit tests in Go for a Go file that operates with a database, and considering the test cases provided, we should focus on creating a mock environment to simulate database interactions. However, please note that the original Go file was not provided. Based on the described functions and test cases, here's a simplified approach to writing Go tests using the testing package and a mock library like gomock or testify for database operations.

Please install testify by running go get github.com/stretchr/testify if you haven't already, to use its mocking capabilities.

Copy code
package db_test

import (


// Mocking the database
type MockDB struct {

func (m *MockDB) GetFeaturesByWorkspaceUuid(uuid string, r *http.Request) []db.WorkspaceFeatures {
    args := m.Called(uuid, r)
    return args.Get(0).([]db.WorkspaceFeatures)

func (m *MockDB) GetWorkspaceFeaturesCount(uuid string) int64 {
    args := m.Called(uuid)
    return args.Get(0).(int64)

func (m *MockDB) GetFeatureByUuid(uuid string) db.WorkspaceFeatures {
    args := m.Called(uuid)
    return args.Get(0).(db.WorkspaceFeatures)

func (m *MockDB) CreateOrEditFeature(mf db.WorkspaceFeatures) (db.WorkspaceFeatures, error) {
    args := m.Called(mf)
    return args.Get(0).(db.WorkspaceFeatures), args.Error(1)

// Example test for GetFeaturesByWorkspaceUuid
func TestGetFeaturesByWorkspaceUuid(t *testing.T) {
    mockDB := new(MockDB)
    dbInstance := db.NewDatabase(mockDB) // Assuming you have a way to inject mockDB into your db instance

    uuid := "valid-uuid"
    req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/some-path", nil)

    // Mock response setup
    expectedFeatures := []db.WorkspaceFeatures{{ /* Fill with expected data */ }}
    mockDB.On("GetFeaturesByWorkspaceUuid", uuid, req).Return(expectedFeatures)

    // Execute the function
    result := dbInstance.GetFeaturesByWorkspaceUuid(uuid, req)

    // Assertions
    assert.Equal(t, expectedFeatures, result)

// Other tests can be structured similarly, focusing on the unique aspects of each test case. This example demonstrates how to set up a mock database interaction for one of your functions and test it using testify. You would need to follow a similar pattern for the other test cases, ensuring that each aspect of your functions is covered, including error handling, pagination, sorting, and input validation.

For SQL injection prevention tests, you'd typically ensure your queries are parameterized properly (which is more of an implementation detail review than a unit test case) and might involve integration testing with a real or in-memory database setup to verify SQL injection protection measures.

Remember, the key in unit testing is to isolate the function and test its behavior under different conditions, mocking any external dependencies. Each test case should focus on a single behavior or scenario to keep tests clear and maintainable.

Acceptance Criteria

  • [ ] I have estimated time taken to correct GPT mistakes in a comment on this ticket
  • [ ] I have provided feedback on GPT mistakes in a comment on this ticket

tomsmith8 avatar May 16 '24 12:05 tomsmith8