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Backend for sphinx tribes and bounties. The bounty platform pays out in bitcoin. Sign up with Sphinx Chat, complete a bounty, and earn bitcoin! Go to our website for available bounties.
Sphinx-Tribes Backend
Sphinx-Tribes is a decentralized message broker for public groups within the Sphinx ecosystem. This README covers the setup and configuration of the Sphinx-Tribes backend.
Table of Contents
- Prerequisites
- Cloning the Repository
- Building the Docker Image
- Environment Configuration
- Database Setup
- Running the Backend
Optional Features
- Redis for Caching
- Relay Integration
- Meme Image Upload
- SuperAdmin Dashboard Access
- Stakwork YouTube Integration
Testing and Mocking
- Unit Testing
- Mocking Interfaces
- Backend API Data Validations
- Contributing
- License
- Docker
- Go language environment
- PostgreSQL database
- Redis instance (optional)
- Relay server access (optional)
Cloning the Repository
Clone the Sphinx-Tribes repository:
git clone https://github.com/Vayras/sphinx-tribes.git
Building the Docker Image
Navigate to the cloned directory and build the Docker image:
docker build --no-cache -t sphinx-tribes .
docker tag sphinx-tribes sphinxlightning/sphinx-tribes:x
docker push sphinxlightning/sphinx-tribes:x
Environment Configuration
Create a .env
file in the project root with the required environment variables.
Database Setup
Set up a PostgreSQL database and execute the provided SQL scripts to create necessary tables.
Running the Backend
Build and run the Golang backend:
go build .
Optional Features
Redis for Caching
Configure Redis by adding the REDIS_URL
or other relevant variables to your .env
Relay Integration
For invoice creation and keysend payment, add RELAY_URL
Meme Image Upload
Requires a running Relay. Enable it with MEME_URL
SuperAdmin Dashboard Access
Add public keys to SUPER_ADMINS
in your .env
Stakwork YouTube Integration
for YouTube video downloads.
Testing and Mocking
Unit Testing
Run unit tests with coverage:
// you may need to install cover with this command first
go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover
// run test
RELAY_AUTH_KEY=TEST go test ./... -tags mock -race -v -coverprofile=coverage.out && ./cover-check.sh coverage.out <min coverage amount>
// To get code coverage in html format do the following after running the code above
go tool cover -html="coverage.out"
Mocking Interfaces
Use mockery for interface mocking.
Installing mockery
There are multiple options to install mockery. Use any one of the following to download.
Download the mockery binary
Use the release page link mockery releases to download the artifact for your respective device.
Using go install
If you have go already installed on your device you can use the go install command to download mockery.
go install github.com/vektra/mockery/[email protected]
Using homebrew
If you are on mac you can use homebrew to download mockery
brew install mockery
brew upgrade mockery
When adding a new function to the interface which is already mocked follow the below steps
- Update the corresponding interface with the function signature, for example if you are adding new function to the
structure make sure the interface filedb/interface.go
is updated with the function signature. - run the command
to update the mocks.
To create mocks for a new interface make follow the steps below
- Add the new entry in the
file like this
with-expecter: true
dir: "mocks"
- run the command
to update the mocks.
Backend API Data Validations
We are currently using gopkg.in/go-playground/validator.v9
for validation, to validate a struct add the validate
property to it
type Workspace struct {
Name string `gorm:"unique;not null" json:"name" validate:"required"`
Website string `json:"website" validate:"omitempty,uri"`
Github string `json:"github" validate:"omitempty,uri"`
Description string `json:"description" validate:"omitempty,lte=200"`
Then handle the validation errors in the request handler
err = db.Validate.Struct(org)
if err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Error: did not pass validation test : %s", err)
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.
This project is licensed under the [LICENSE NAME] - see the LICENSE.md file for details.