Jim Mackenzie
Jim Mackenzie
And don't forget to sync gradle files once you've removed the vanilla Volley implementation too..
Avoid doing the this.galleryImages.push in favour of: this.galleryImages = res.map(item => { return { small: `/api/image/get/${img.imageid}/sm`, medium: `/api/image/get/${img.imageid}/md`, big: `/api/image/get/${img.imageid}` }}); Anywhere you're adding new records, just replace the existing...
So I made some changes in a fork and have made a pull request. I checked that all the tests passed and added some new tests for the changes I've...
Yep, still seeing this error on 2.2.4
Here's another example where the new functionality causes issues when space is limited (i.e. mobile). As you can see the result value fits perfectly inside the mat-select but is hidden...
> @sqljim Would you be able to share a stackblitz reproduction of that? I'm curious what's going on there because it looks like there's 2 dropdown arrows and the dropdown...
@mmalerba yes you're right. I was wrong saying my select was 110px, it's actually much smaller. In any case, you are right, that it does extend to the end of...
Try setting draggable: false
There are a few papertrail connection differences between the old way and the new (winston3) way. It took me a while to find the details, but the readme that you...