winston-papertrail copied to clipboard
Why showing this “Papertrail is a legacy winston transport. Consider upgrading”
I am using Winston version
"winston": "^3.2.1",
"winston-papertrail": "^1.0.5"
When I add
transports: [ new winston.transports.Papertrail({})]
I get
Papertrail is a legacy winston transport. Consider upgrading: - Upgrade docs:
why this message show and how do I stop showing this.
The master branch is a legacy transport for winston3. There is a v2 branch that is implemented in winston3 format. You can install it: npm install --save
There are a few papertrail connection differences between the old way and the new (winston3) way. It took me a while to find the details, but the readme that you can find here shows how to set up for Winston3.