Hi there, Dependdencies is a great tool! However, there is an issue whihc significantly reduces the usefullnes but I believe this can be fixed easily. When you inspect a dll...
Hi there, gitblit is a wonderfull peace of software. However, either there seems to be a small issue with the groupMemberPattern or i am an idiot - equally possible :-)...
# Bug With active directory it is possible, and widely used, to nest groups, e.g. there are three groups, A, B and C. A contains B and B contains C....
Hi there, your editor look good so far. An automatic theme detection would be awesome. And dark versions of the various ui elements, i.e. sort and search. Cheers
GUI scaling can not be selected. the dropdown always shows 1 (yes with and without auto scale). A number cannot be typed.
Currently betterRolls5e offers 5 types to calculate crit damage. However not all options work. 1) No Extra Damage (works as expected) 2) Roll Critical Damage Dice (works as expected) 3)...
Hi there, how the crit damage is calculated can be subject to many houserules. This could be easily supported if an additional crit field would allow for the specification of...
This page is outdated since 3006.0 - the salt-master runs as user salt per default: https://docs.saltproject.io/en/latest/ref/configuration/nonroot.html **Suggested Fix** Bring it in line with the 3006.0 release notes.