Sheng Lundquist
Sheng Lundquist
### Summary Typing an erroneous ex command breaks vim bindings. ### Environment - [Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit] Operating system : (e.g. Ubuntu Gnome 15.04 64bit) - [Chrome 59.0.3071.115] Web browser...
Currently, an agent0 agent object can only interact with a single pool. Ideally, we would have an agent be part of the chain, with the pool being an argument for...
Interactive hyperdrive was written assuming synchronous, one block per transaction. Ideally, we would add a feature allowing sending multiple transactions on the same block.
Interactive hyperdrive uses two places to store files, namely `.interactive_state` and `.crash_report`. In the case where we run multiple chains, these files can conflict with each other, overwriting files. Need...
Narrowed down to `GovernanceUpdated` event from calling `deployAndInitialize` in factory. Suppressing warning for now.
Current system tests run a local chain on develop mode (i.e., mine when transaction gets submitted). We need to expand tests to also test when the chain mines per time...
 Somewhere, redeeming withdrawal shares is getting lost in the pipeline. The database has captured transactions for that call, and Jonny has stated that his bot indeed redeemed withdrawal shares....
In our test fixtures, we run a local anvil node in automine mode for testing. Ideally we would also run all of our tests on a mined by time mode...
Dashboard currently has a memory leak. While helps alleviate some of this, a temporary fix is being used on the infra side to limit the amount of memory the...