Results 33 issues of Alex Earl

I was trying to use the library to migrate some information from an older server to a new server, so I did ``` old = GitLab(old_url, old_token) new = GitLab(new_url,...

We currently just remove builtins['nt'] and assign builtins['posix'] to be the nt module. There is some overlap in functionality, but there are some things that would be much easier to...


Added 1909 and ltsc2019 configs to hotspot and openj9 official config files. As a not, nanoserver has not been added to openj9 configs because there were some issues last time...


This adds a checkbox to the mail account configuration to allow users to enable OAuth 2.0 (see The token needs to be put as the password in the credentials....

``` >>> print foo File "", line 1 print foo ^ SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(foo)? ```

CPython compatibility

_From @amiralles on July 15, 2016 23:59_ Hi guys, I been trying to build ironruby using this command: ``` xbuild /p:configuration=Release Solutions/Ruby.sln ``` And got this error: "...Builtins/RubyModule.cs(1767,21): error CS1570:...

_From @LonghronShen on January 5, 2013 7:36_ I'm a user of IronRuby. And I'm porting my project to WinRT. I'm the coordinator of the Runa Engine project which is a...

_From @Taritsyn on August 24, 2014 11:21_ The current version of the [`rational18.rb`]( does not support of Rational with floating point or real values. This feature is needed to work...

_From @wilfrem on April 6, 2013 8:4_ Hello. When I executing rubygems, I find a bug around FileUtils.mkdir_p. OS: Ubuntu 12.10 C#: mono 3.0.7 $ ruby --version IronRuby on...

_From @mcandre on January 27, 2013 15:52_ When I try to build my project, I get several errors and warnings related to lack of DLR support. _Copied from original...