Results 135 comments of Thomas Skjølberg

@whiskeysierra okey, can you create a repository like logbook-benchmark, logbook-jmh etc? I'll drop in the project sceleton (copy from java-jwt-benchmark) with a few PoC tests. I cant promise to write...

Should be possible, for project setup the most important is to get a jmh-visualizer (i.e. automatically hooked into JMH output and being able to run just a subset of...

I've not found a maven plugin for this jmh visualizer yet though.

Is this your first Maven plugin? :chart_with_downwards_trend: There is always drag'n drop to

I'll have to split this into multiple PRs. First a new module logbook-jmh and a README with some instructions. I think release and unit test coverage should be dropped from...

Added Have a few improvements after it lands. Lets just go with the online visualizer for now.

The current merge(left, right) pattern makes collecting multiple operations into one, like remove or replace headers, impossible. So each operation needs to create new objects (like TreeMap) which slows performance...

FYI an 'ugly' rewrite of the Json HTTP Logger did improve performance, but no more than 10-25%. I am guessing you think thats is not worth it.

I suspect SplunkHttpLogFormatter would see a significant performance improvement by moving to using a StringBuilder, if anyone (@nsmolenskii) is interested in giving it a go.

We're extracting data from the JWT to the MDC already, but after validation of the token; would not want to log any of the content before that. So some kind...