Results 135 comments of Thomas Skjølberg

Haha, good one, please forgive my ignorance :sweat_smile: If it helps, I recon there will be another LTS in a few years, and more guys like me looking for corresponding...

Could this be an issue of port forwarding, i.e. ``` adb reverse tcp:8080 tcp:8080 ``` gives ``` Error: Unable to resolve module ./http://localhost:8081/index from /home/thomas/entur/git/abt-mobile-client-sdk/examples/client/.: None of these files exist:...

The tags might not contain Ndef data, so you should catch that execption and fall back to binary reading.

@imanushin I am able to publish build info for multi-module projects, however this requires me to set publishBuildInfo=false in subprojects and publishArtifacts = false in the main 'wrapper' project. Edit:...

@oliemansm does the sample not work, and/or what is the error you're tetting?