Results 38 issues of Thomas Skjølberg

Caused by: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: Could not get unknown property 'oss_username' for MavenPublishTarget(name=uploadArchives, releaseRepositoryUrl=, snapshotRepositoryUrl=, repositoryUsername=xxxxxx, repositoryPassword=yyyyy, signing=true) of type com.vanniktech.maven.publish.MavenPublishTarget.

Investigate how carts can be preprocessed to assist the actual packaging. In other words, add some kind of Javascript / Typescript preprocessing for brute force packagers. * state save *...

In most cases, I need to know what is the "occupied space" in the container to give an idea to the carriers of what they will handle. So a method...


Extract * `AbstractBruteForcePackager.pack(..)` * Single-threaded `BruteForceAdapter`

Thre git actions need adjustments.

I'm trying to use modules in a support library, but there seems to be no module-info for jjwt. I suggest following either Jackson's or SLF4J's approach.


Initial tests show that caching the header could improve the performance by about 10%. So this would be possible (as far as I can see), if keys returned by SigningKeyResolver...


Hi, I'm looking into the [performance]( of the decoder, and though I'd start with at few low-hanging fruits. Reduce the (unnessesary) use of throwaway Date objects. Remove `allowSkew` variable. Use...

For the combination JSON logging and JSON request/response payloads, make it so that processing details relevant for logging are propagated, so that duplicate work can be avoided. ## Detailed Description...
