Results 135 comments of Thomas Skjølberg

I've not tried Android-x86 so far. You want an app / service which provides native NFC Android-x86?

Yeah the main problem is the native NFC service, one needs root permission to replace it. This line on NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(): NfcManager manager = (NfcManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NFC_SERVICE); must result in our service...

@dadreamer I guess now you have some more to go on, I've open-sourced the rest of the project.

@dadreamer well yes, its all open source - apache 2.0. The play store app itself is among the code.

Hi, wire the app into phonegap-nfc, use the existing event handling and add events for reader connect/disconnect too.

I don't know. It works via Intents, so quite possible, with a custom adapter perhaps.

Perhaps; if you get hold of an existing (built-in) NFC integration plugin, it is just 'more of the same'.

@fenrus75 Great, I really like you have the latest and greatest, but due to all the dependencies in a typical JVM project, developers are usually stuck for long periods on...

@lessthanoptimal any ETA on this feature? ZXing has some kind of bug on large aztec codes, so this lib might be a good alternative.