Results 57 comments of Simon Judd

This request has come up a lot lately. wxWidgets uses standard windows controls which can't be 'themed' at all, so unfortunately it's not possible without rewriting the entire UI using...

Nope, that is purely for detecting if 'dark mode' is enabled in windows (which only really affects UWP apps and some custom-themed things like explorer and web browsers), the issue...

This is happening because you have two textures that use eachother as patches (`N_GRBR05` and `N_GRBR13`) which is causing an infinite loop. Does running it in gzdoom show an error...

Hmm I can't reproduce this one at all, wonder if it's something to do with windows 7

Other than mp3, what other file formats does this happen with? It may be they are just unsupported by SLADE

I've seen this before but have no idea what causes it, seems to be some weird wxWidgets/driver issue. Out of curiosity, does the same thing happen in 3.2.0 beta?

Does that same thing happen with earlier versions of SLADE (eg. 3.1.12)?

Hmm, did you modify the other TEXTURES lumps at all in the editor? It should only ever save them if they have been modified, so as long as you don't...

This one is a bit tricky, because in the past this has been used to create troll wads with lots of clones of a single entry, which would eventually crash...

Is this issue fixed now? I have been able to build it fine on linux for a while