Don't be a crybaby and make a framework yourself. His framework his choice. Regarding what people say its easy to say we can ignore but its hard in reality when...
Don't be a crybaby and make a framework yourself. His framework his choice. Regarding what people say its easy to say we can ignore but its hard in reality when...
Thanks Nikolay Kim for giving us wonderful web framework. I have used many framework and actix covers almost all the use case. And you have helped me countless time on...
@eric-naguras I think this should be global constant just like console.log and there should be linter that will avoid using `dd` so we wont accidentally push to production / version...
@HDVinnie which one do you use? udp or HTTP or ws ?
@greatest-ape thanks. Are there any examples, spec related to the private tracker, etc..?
set up default config first.
yea that will be awesome but looking at source code it shouldn't be that hard if u are familiar with go :)
@ahmedabt hello ahmedabt you can use proxy like normal binaries can :) Like what is usually do is i have my own proxy server where i insert proxy ip and...
what is permission of the binary cloud torrent i guess it depends on that :) And why not use docker it is working for me perfectly