
Results 10 issues of shehongbing

Hi, In the 03.ctg_graph/ directory, I could get the nd.asm.f.part000.fasta but without ''. And the is followed: [INFO] 2021-08-19 05:44:18,225 Corrected step options: [INFO] 2021-08-19 05:44:18,225 Namespace(alignment_identity_ratio=0.8, alignment_score_ratio=0.8, auto=True,...

Hello there, I had the exact same issue. Minimap2 worked fine but miniasm does not produce any output for some particular fastq file without any further indications. Did you solved...

Hi, when I used the following command to analyze my data, the xpclr score equal 0.0. i do not know why xpclr --format txt --out Dom_Sie.txt --map map.snp --popA Dom.geno...

Hi, it's a powerful tool I used. So could the tool genotype for the inversions?

Hi, Thanks for your powerful tool. I run cafe 5 based on seven species. However, too many gene families ( average gene family 3000) undergone expanded or contracrted. And the...

Hi, Prof. Zhang, Recently, i have a dipolid geome (2n=12) project. And it has 1.7% heterozygosity. Fisrt, i removed redundant sequnces using purge_haplotigs. Then, these contigs were scaffolding using ALLHIC....

Hi, First, i deeply appreciate you for the powerful tool. But, I found many dots existed in amino acid sequences when I used the liftoff. Is It mean that a...

Hi there, when I used SVMU based on the nucmer, and get empty result besides cords.prefix.txt file. my command is ## alignment using nucmer nucmer -l 80 ara.fa nh.fa -p...

Hi, I have 300 raw contigs need to be polished. However, only 295 contigs were obtained after polishing with ONT long reads. besides, the contigs were polished using raw ONT...

Hi, That's a good tool. I used the tool and BUSCO to value my gene models. However, the results is slightly different, especially duplicated genes. BUSCO results: # BUSCO was...