David Peter

Results 781 comments of David Peter

Maybe @Kienyew or @xzfc can help here? (if you are interested)

It might also be the pager (`less`) which converts tabs. Can you try with `--paging=never`/`-P`? I don't think this is related to `-d`/`--diff`

I can not reproduce this. Works for me with `-P`. Can you please post the output of `bat --diagnostic` in order for us to get more information about your system?

> `--paging=never` and `-P` doesn't help. Okay. And does it only happen with `-d`/`--diff`?

I'm not sure if I can help here, but for completeness, could you please post the output of ``` tail -f C:\app\oracle\diag\tnslsnr\DESKTOP-L5GI3V9\listener\trace\listener.log | bat --paging=never -l log --diagnostic ``` (note...

> I suppose I'm running into the same issue on Linux, but with a twist. `tail` can be successfully piped into `bat`, so can `tail -f`, but piping `tail -f...

So what are the things that *couldn't* be done anymore when removing the special ANSI sequence handling? CC @eth-p

> Apart from the use case I described from the start, I know of no additional use of the ANSI escape handling code. Oh, sorry. I misread your post. I...

The syntax doesn't seem to meet our [current criteria for inclusion](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat/blob/master/doc/assets.md#criteria-for-inclusion-of-new-syntaxes). Note that there is an easy way to customize your version of bat: https://github.com/sharkdp/bat#adding-new-syntaxes--language-definitions