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Autonomous disinfection robot with perception, localization, mapping, and navigation capability.

Autonomous Disinfection Robot


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This project built a full-stack disinfection robot with perception, localization, mapping, and navigation capability. The robot is able to classify and localize tables/desks/chairs, as well as to detect and track people in an indoor environment. After a table/desk/chair being used by a human, the robot will approach the table/desk/chair to do the disinfection. Checkout this post for a detailed description of this project.


  • ROS Melodic, OpenCV 3.2, Eigen, PCL, Scipy, Shapely
  • PyTorch 1.6 (https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/)
  • Detectron2 (https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2)
  • Slam Toolbox (https://github.com/SteveMacenski/slam_toolbox)

Setup Documentation

  • Jackal setup

    • Install these packages on your laptop: sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-jackal-simulator ros-melodic-jackal-desktop ros-melodic-jackal-navigation
  • Wireless network setup

    • I set up the networking using a local router to get around the complexity of Northwestern WIFI. To start with, connect your laptop, the Jackal robot, and the GPU computer (beast computer) to the router.

    • Navigate to the IP & MAC binding tab on your WiFi router. Bind the MAC address of each computer with a static IP address. The MAC address can be found by ifconfig command.

    • After that, set up the resolution of hostname by adding IP & hostname pair to each computer under /etc/hosts.

    • For example, on your laptop, add the following block to /etc/hosts.       your-computer   jackal-desktop   beast
    • Add the following block to /etc/hosts on jackal (the IP address should be corresponding to the address you bound with).       jackal-desktop   your-computer   beast
    • Also on the beast computer, add the following block.       beast   your-computer   jackal-desktop
    • Ensure all three computers can ping each other by the host name after this step.

    • Notice that in .bashrc on Jackal, the Jackal workspace has been sourced.

      source /home/jakal/jackal_ws/devel/setup.bash
    • For ROS to talk, source setup_jackal.bash on the jackal.

      export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://jackal-desktop:11311
      export ROS_HOSTNAME=jackal-desktop
    • Set following variables on your computer. It sets ROS_MASTER_URI to the jackal robot.

      export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://jackal-desktop:11311
      export ROS_HOSTNAME=your-computer
    • Also on beast computer:

      export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://jackal-desktop:11311 
      export ROS_HOSTNAME=beast
    • Type rostopic list in command line to check if you can see all the topics on jackal.

  • Realsense Setup

    • Install RealSense SDK and ROS wrapper with sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_VER-realsense2-camera and follow this fix.

    • If you need to build from source, install the SDK following this link and the ROS wrapper following this link.

  • Detectron2 Setup

    • Python 3 is needed for PyTorch and detection2. Follow this link to setup Python3 with ROS melodic.

    • Source the compiled cv_bridge workspace by source install/setup.bash --extend.

How to Run

Source setup_*.bash on each computer.

On beast, source the cv_bridge workspace by source install/setup.bash --extend

Stage 1:

On the jackal:

roslaunch jackal-sensor-bringup all.launch

roslaunch jackal-rgbd-navigation slam_toolbox_on_jackal.launch

To stop the robot:

rostopic pub /move_base/cancel actionlib_msgs/GoalID -- {}

On your computer:

roslaunch jackal-rgbd-navigation slam_toolbox_on_pc.launch

Move the robot to build the map.

Click serialize map (or use the service) to save the map.

Close slam_toolbox and its visualization.

Stage 2:

On Jackal:

roslaunch rgbd_object_detection s2_on_jackal.launch

It launches slam_toolbox, move_base, map_server and object detection node.

On your computer:

roslaunch rgbd_object_detection s2_on_pc.launch

On beast computer:

rosrun rgbd_object_detection mask_rcnn_v2.py

Move the robot to each object:

rosservice call /run_maskrcnn "{}"

Stage 3:

On your computer:

roslaunch rgbd_object_detection s3_on_pc.launch