disinfection-robot-ros copied to clipboard
Autonomous disinfection robot with perception, localization, mapping, and navigation capability.
Autonomous Disinfection Robot
This project built a full-stack disinfection robot with perception, localization, mapping, and navigation capability. The robot is able to classify and localize tables/desks/chairs, as well as to detect and track people in an indoor environment. After a table/desk/chair being used by a human, the robot will approach the table/desk/chair to do the disinfection. Checkout this post for a detailed description of this project.
- ROS Melodic, OpenCV 3.2, Eigen, PCL, Scipy, Shapely
- PyTorch 1.6 (https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/)
- Detectron2 (https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2)
- Slam Toolbox (https://github.com/SteveMacenski/slam_toolbox)
Setup Documentation
Jackal setup
- Install these packages on your laptop:
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-jackal-simulator ros-melodic-jackal-desktop ros-melodic-jackal-navigation
- Install these packages on your laptop:
Wireless network setup
I set up the networking using a local router to get around the complexity of Northwestern WIFI. To start with, connect your laptop, the Jackal robot, and the GPU computer (beast computer) to the router.
Navigate to the IP & MAC binding tab on your WiFi router. Bind the MAC address of each computer with a static IP address. The MAC address can be found by
command. -
After that, set up the resolution of hostname by adding IP & hostname pair to each computer under
. -
For example, on your laptop, add the following block to /etc/hosts. your-computer jackal-desktop beast
Add the following block to /etc/hosts on jackal (the IP address should be corresponding to the address you bound with). jackal-desktop your-computer beast
Also on the beast computer, add the following block. beast your-computer jackal-desktop
Ensure all three computers can ping each other by the host name after this step.
Notice that in
on Jackal, the Jackal workspace has been sourced.source /home/jakal/jackal_ws/devel/setup.bash
For ROS to talk, source
on the jackal.export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://jackal-desktop:11311 export ROS_HOSTNAME=jackal-desktop
Set following variables on your computer. It sets
to the jackal robot.export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://jackal-desktop:11311 export ROS_HOSTNAME=your-computer
Also on beast computer:
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://jackal-desktop:11311 export ROS_HOSTNAME=beast
rostopic list
in command line to check if you can see all the topics on jackal.
Realsense Setup
Detectron2 Setup
Python 3 is needed for PyTorch and detection2. Follow this link to setup Python3 with ROS melodic.
Source the compiled
workspace bysource install/setup.bash --extend
How to Run
Source setup_*.bash
on each computer.
On beast, source the cv_bridge
workspace by source install/setup.bash --extend
Stage 1:
On the jackal:
roslaunch jackal-sensor-bringup all.launch
roslaunch jackal-rgbd-navigation slam_toolbox_on_jackal.launch
To stop the robot:
rostopic pub /move_base/cancel actionlib_msgs/GoalID -- {}
On your computer:
roslaunch jackal-rgbd-navigation slam_toolbox_on_pc.launch
Move the robot to build the map.
Click serialize map (or use the service) to save the map.
Close slam_toolbox and its visualization.
Stage 2:
On Jackal:
roslaunch rgbd_object_detection s2_on_jackal.launch
It launches slam_toolbox, move_base, map_server and object detection node.
On your computer:
roslaunch rgbd_object_detection s2_on_pc.launch
On beast computer:
rosrun rgbd_object_detection mask_rcnn_v2.py
Move the robot to each object:
rosservice call /run_maskrcnn "{}"
Stage 3:
On your computer:
roslaunch rgbd_object_detection s3_on_pc.launch