Results 131 comments of setzer22

> You're right - I keep getting got by that sweat_smile > > Let's see what @setzer22 thinks. Yup, now that the bindgen dependency is gone, I think this CI...

Made a few changes, everything seems to be working now :smile: Thanks a lot @odysa!

Thanks a lot! :smile: I took the liberty to cleanup things a bit since we've been merging some breaking changes. I think having the alpaca prompt is great, but we...

I would say, for the time being, determinism *given the same hardware and compiler version* is a good enough goal. Going beyond that and trying to make things deterministic across...

I think this can be closed since the rest of the work to get determinism is out-of-scope for now :+1:

Would it be possible to use bindgen as a dev dependency and just push the generated code? Manually maintaining C bindings sounds very tedious :sweat_smile:

Hmmm, good point. But one thing that concerns me a bit with doing this manually is that if we mistype something in the bindings, or forget to update something, and...

That's odd... Of all the possible distros, I happen to be on Fedora 37! 🤣 The thing is, I had to do nothing of the sort. I probably already had...

Thanks again! Will try to investigate a bit more why exactly the CPATH isn't needed on my system 🤔 Could this have anything to do with the fact I have...

Now that we have I was able to play around a bit with the new system and, I don't want to sound too harsh, but GDExtension feels like a...