Several cards in [the Mystery Booster Playtest set on Gatherer]([%22Mystery%20Booster%22]) have Oracle text that differs from the printed text we see on the card. Some of these changes seem objectively...
Almost all Dark Ascension Flashback costs are incorrect in some way in both Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional. Screenshots below are from Chinese Traditional (ZHT), but every case is also... Nylea's Huntmaster is listed exclusively with English card text in every single language, instead of any translated text. (Name, type line, rules text, flavor text.) This error seems localised...
The Dark Ascension print of Vorapede is missing the line that gives it vigilance and trample in the print data in the following languages: * DE (German): * KO...
In October 2021, the [_Stranger Things_ Secret Lair][strangerthings] was released, and in _March 2022_, the same cards were re-released in [SLX], an otherwise unnamed set that Scryfall named Universes Within....
Unfinity's cards are sorted into two different sets: - [Unfinity (Acorn)]([%22Unfinity%20(Acorn)%22]), which contains all Acorn cards from Unfinity. - [Unfinity]([%22Unfinity%22]), which contains all the Eternal-legal cards. Scrolling through these however...
Collector number search appears to not work at all. Cards do not show up in collector number order. Sometimes they do not appear to show up in _any_ understandable order,...
_[Alchemy Horizons: Battle for Baldur's Gate][hbg]_ has multiple separate issues on Gatherer. - All Specialize cards are missing in their entirety—neither front nor back faces are recorded. - Two signature...
_[Prosper, Tome-Bound]_ and _[Prosperous Innkeeper]_ from _[Alchemy Horizons: Baldur's Gate][alchemy]_ both have their images swapped in Gatherer.  [Prosperous Innkeeper]: [Prosper, Tome-Bound]: [alchemy]:[%22Alchemy%20Horizons:%20Baldur%27s%20Gate%22] The alternative prints...
### Describe the problem [Moria Marauder] and [Mount Doom] *both* have the same two rulings showing up on their gatherer pages: [mount doom]: [moria marauder]: > 16/06/2023 |...