This is a deliberate duplicate of I open it because no one has responded to that issue. Every day I get emails from this list with development efforts on...
Mavin plugin configurations can be defined at both the execution and plugin level. These are supposed to be and usually are additive between configurations defined in an execution and configurations...
According to > Beginning with release 2.0-beta-3, sub-directories will be created within the workarea for each execution of the plugin within a life cycle. I'm using 2.1.4. That is...
In the requester asked to be able to specify user and permissionGroup for directories. This request was adopted and merged into the main branch. But it isn't documented. It...
This is different from some other similar issues in that I'm trying to install onto an older version of Linux than that on which the rpm was built. Other issues...
I am trying to implement a method for putting a changelog into an RPM. From studying the [C source code of rpm](, it is clear that this involves creating headers....