Thanks for the response. I am looking for the most basic information. My supposition is that the screen location for the NttFTP plugin is encoded in some configuration file or...
If I may add a detail: the first time I start Notepad++ with the NppFTP plugin in a not-shown state, and I switch the plugin to be shown, a small...
I am using version 6.8.3 , NppFTP 0.26.8. Windows 7 64 bit. I tried a newer version some months back and got nowhere with it. I don't know how to...
Here are the working (good) and not-working(bad) config files. [](
As stated above I am using version Notepad++ 6.8.3 , NppFTP 0.26.8. I guess both are old versions. I am not sure what the Floating modus is, but it's possible...
Thanks for your trick, Mausolos - easier than my trick of starting with a whole new config. I do agree with you that the fact that NppFTP is not a...
@bokken - I am reluctant to use different classifiers because they will have side-effects with on a pre-existing naming scheme I am trying to achieve. Rather than doing that, I...
@bokken - This is interesting. Taking your statement as authoritative (I've been impressed by your knowledge here and elsewhere), it appears that this plugin, and in particular, the `` parameter,...
Okay, I've looked into classifiers more and I've found an answer that's not invalid by Maven standards and yet allows me to created rpms via the plugin that comport well...
Thanks, Karl. I see that but I'm not sure how to apply it in the case of the rpm-maven-plugin's `` elements. This whole document seems to pertain to parent/child pom's...